Hello, I’m glad you are reading this post. As a retired riding instructor, I have heard questions from parents, kids, and adults new to horses that seem simple to me. This post is about horse tack and halters and bridles because I was asked a lot about both.
8. What is tack?
Horse tack is the name we call the equipment or accessories used to ride horses. The halter, bridle, saddle pad, and saddle are examples of tack. Some may say all the items used for a horse are called tack. I have always called the things used to groom your horse grooming supplies, not tack.
A Tack Box is a storage container where we store grooming supplies for horses, such as brushes, hoof picks, fly spray, etc. In addition, some people can keep their saddles and bridles in them if the box is big enough.
9. The horse halter
A horse halter is put on a horse’s head. Like a collar for a dog, they come in many different designs and styles. It is a safe way to lead a horse. Most baby horses are taught to wear a halter when only a few days or weeks old. That way, it becomes part of their everyday life.
Push picture to see varieties of styles sold on Amazon
- The nylon halter is seen most. It is a flat weaved nylon halter that is very strong.
- The one in the middle is called a rope halter. It is made with knots that touch pressure points on the horses head. It is used primarily for training. They may be used on a horse that likes to misbehave while being led. This halter is not safe for turnout. Horses may get caught up because of the bottom loop that the lead connects to.
- Leather halters are used at horse shows to look nice or in the trailers for a horse’s safety if it needs to break. They can be used every day but take maintenance like a saddle or bridle. Weather will damage the leather making it dry and brittle.
10. The Lead Rope
A lead rope can be 4-8′ long and hook on end. Attaching a lead rope to the halter by the hook is a safe way to lead a horse. If the horse shies or pulls away, you will have the length of the lead rope to keep hold of the horse safely.
Push picture to see varieties of styles sold on Amazon
11. The horse bridle
Push picture to see varieties of styles sold on Amazon
A horse bridle is typically used to guide a horse when riding. Much like a halter, it is put on the horse’s head. It has a bit that fits inside the horse’s mouth. A horse’s lower jaw has an area where no teeth grow. The bit fits perfectly right there. As if God made it so.
- This is a typical English bridle.
- A bitless bridle has two reins attached with no bit.
- A dressage bridle has two bits in a horse’s mouth with two sets of reins.
The last bridle shown above is typically used for dressage riding. It has two bits attached and is used in more advanced dressage riding. During lower-level dressage riding, a rider would probably use bridle #1.
The first and second bridle is more likely used for the Hunter Jumper riding style. It is more conservative in style and does not have bling. A dressage bridle may have a special browband with bling.

The bridle reins
The bridle reins attached to the bit go over the horse’s neck, where the rider can hold them in each hand. A rider can tell their horse to stop, back, or turn by pulling (gently) in different directions. Soon a beginner rider will learn to turn by slightly squeezing their fingers around the reins.
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Have you ever seen a horse panic while tied up? Let us know in the comments.
The following post will talk about safely and responsibly securing a horse by a lead rope or bridle.